Tips To Avoid Problems With Your Boiler

If a home is equipped with a boiler, this can be one of the most important appliances when the winter weather arrives. Protecting a boiler against some routine problems is essential if a homeowner is to reduce the risks of encountering boiler issues during the coldest part of the year. While the boiler can be an intimidating appliance, there are some basic steps that every homeowner should be taking to minimize the issues that boilers can experience.

Correct Hard Water

Hard water is a common issue for older homes and those that are located in areas with low quality or aging water infrastructure. Hard water will typically not pose any health problems for those living in the house, but it can be highly damaging to plumbing pipes and appliances. This is due to the mineral accumulations that this water will cause to form. If these accumulations start to form in the boiler, it can clog the internal piping so that the water pressure is reduced. Also, mineral accumulations on the heating elements can inhibit the ability of the boiler to adequately heat the water. Periodically flushing your boiler system can help to prevent these problems, but if you are wanting a low-maintenance option, a water softener can be an excellent addition to the plumbing system.

Bleed The Radiators

When cold temperatures first start to arrive, you should bleed the radiators before it comes time to sue the boiler. Bleeding radiators will remove any excess air that has gotten trapped in the system. If this air is not removed from the radiators, the system can experience serious performance issues as this air will prevent the heat from being evenly distributed, and it can cause the boiler's internal pressure to get too high.

Inspect The Exterior Of The Boiler

Many homeowners will make the assumption that their boiler is completely waterproof and rustproof. However, rust can be a serious problem for a boiler as it can weaken it. Considering the high pressure that a boiler must withstand, this weakening can make a rupture far more likely to occur. Once the exterior of the boiler has ruptured, the entire unit will have to be replaced. When rust first forms, you can minimize this damage by removing it as quickly as possible by using sand paper. After the rust has been removed, thoroughly clean the area with a wet cloth before applying a protective metal sealant to it. In order to give yourself the best chance of catching this issue as quickly as possible, you should check the exterior of the boiler for rust on a monthly basis.

Check with a company like Rickett Industrial Environmental Systems for more information.
